Kompotoi Urinal

The original Kompotoi urinal in the characteristically homely wooden look for all business that can be done while standing.

260 Liters

150 kg

Technical data


  • Outer walls made of stable 3-layer glued spruce
  • Roof made of milky polycarbonate
  • Lacquered base and seat for easy cleaning


  • Two stainless steel urinals*
  • Solar lighting
  • Dispenser with hand desinfectant
  • Outer hooks for transport by crane
  • Flap in the back wall for easy removal of liquids
  • mounted on a palet for easy handling

*Older models have a stainless steel urinal bowl instead of two separate urinals.


  • Size incl. stairs (W X D X H): 120 x 140 x 240 cm
  • Weight: 150 kg
  • Space behind the cab needed for maintenance (at least 85 cm)
  • Data sheet

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Kompotoi AG
Zürcherstrasse 254
8406 Winterthur

Phone.: 044 273 30 30 (in German)
