Kompotoi Handwash basin

The Kompotoi handwash basin works independently – without a separate water connection and without electricity. There is a fresh water and a waste water tank in the sink. These must be filled and emptied after about 60 uses.

Note: Models from the previous generation that have a different design are occasionally rented.

Technical data


  • Outer walls made of stable 3-layer glued spruce
  • Roof made of milky polycarbonate


  • Foot pump
  • Fresh water and waste water tank
  • Dispenser with liquid soap
  • Paper napkin dispenser
  • Trash can
  • Solar lighting
  • Rain cover
  • outer hooks for transport by crane
  • mounted on a palet for easy handling


  • Size (W X D X H): 80 x 60 x 192 cm
  • Weight: 55 kg
  • Data sheet

* At sub-zero temperatures, the water may freeze and the hand-wash basin will only work again when the temperature rises.

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Kompotoi AG
Zürcherstrasse 254
8406 Winterthur

Phone.: 044 273 30 30 (in German)
